Day 202

Ivan and I watched a video, the other day, on YouTube that had physicians giving a press conference about the ineffectiveness of masks against the CoVid 19 pandemic.

They were saying that people are, once again, becoming complacent about their personal hygiene. If people would use their common sense, stay away from people that appear to be ill, wash their hands at every opportunity, the virus would not be rearing its ugly head again.

They were quoting Dr. Fauci, the Director of Infectious Diseases, as saying that he felt masks, in, and of, themselves would be ineffective in the long run. This is a virus, not a bacteria; they are very different in the bodies reaction to them.

Depending on the specific viral strain, it can live, for varying periods, on inanimate objects, being transmitted from one to another by droplets, physical contact, ingestion, to name a few.

However, a virus is like a “lock”, needing a specific “key” to unlock it. Therefore, you may have, and probably have, already been exposed, but are asymptotic, without symptoms.

Bacteria, on the other hand, are quite opportunistic, and infect a host much more easily. Bacteria can be treated with antibiotics, whereas, with a virus, at least prior to this virus, one can only treat the symptoms; fever, chills, and, cough. The virus has to “run its course “.

We are trying to wait, patiently, for this to be over, done. While we do that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.