Day 201

I just spent the last few hours, (none of your business exactly how many hours), in London, England. I was there, in the Langham Hotel, with several of the contestants from season two MasterChef Australia

Of course I was not really there, but, it sure felt like I was. I have watched as many of the MasterChef series as we can get down here, and have not been disappointed yet. I do so enjoy watching the contestants make food from their memories, what they have seen on TV maybe, or, as Ivan always says, “by the seat of their pants”.

He tells me to cook by the seat of my pants, but that is something about which I know nothing. My mother cooked less than a dozen different meals, and I was never home to watch her cook them, so I have no background knowledge from which to work. My father liked beef, a few canned vegetables, and mom’s chocolate cake. Not much to go on there.

Since I have been married, I have learned how to make so many different dishes, Mexican dishes, mostly. Now, living here, I have the opportunity to watch others cooking, or listen to them talk about cooking; how they would do this, or that, instead of this, or that.

One can learn tons of recipes on the internet, as well. You can see if it looks like something you would like to make, and eat, or not. There are websites, beyond counting, that can help with learning how to cook any type of food imaginable.

We made our menudo last week, and are just coming to the end of what was left. l cannot tell you how much better it was this time, than when we made it up North. The flavor was amazing.

In the coming few weeks we are going to start trying to make tamales. While we get those perfected, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.