Day 2

Taking care of someone that is ninety three, and, for the most part bedridden, has turned out to be a bit more work than I imagined.

Personally, I feel it is my age that has things more difficult to do than they used to. What is up with that?

Ivan has gotten Juan up, in the afternoons, both yesterday, and today, with excellent results. Juan has walked, both times, without physical support; verbal support only. He walks the ten feet, or so, across the hall to the bathroom, sits himself down, relieves himself, uses proper hygiene, then, back across the hall, to his oasis; the bed.

Each time, however, just when he thinks he can go right back to his beloved supine, nope. Ivan is right there, to talk him into a short, less than ten feet, walk down, then back up, the hallway. Then he can lie back down. Today, he talked with Ivan the entire time; bathroom, walking, lying down. No crying out in pain, no grunts or groans of any kind. Progress. Sweet progress.

When he gets back to bed, he actually has a smile on his face. He says he knows he is making progress; he feels himself having less excruciating pain, and more relaxation.

Now, however, I have to get his blood pressure back under control. Ivan found our automatic B/P monitor the other day, while unpacking one of the myriad totes, so, not having any idea where we were with that, I took it.

Then I quickly got his 10 mg. Lisinopril, and gave him a dose. Yikes. That is all I am going to say about that. He does not need to go to the Departamento de Emergencia; it is not that high; just higher than I would like to see. Now I know, and can keep better control of that.

First, though, we had to get control of the incapacitating pain; that was primary. Now that we are getting some control of that, we can start getting the rest of him sorted out, and, back in order. Enteric coated Aspirin 81 mg. is coming Saturday, via, as is a heating pad. We believe the heating pad will help us with his muscle spasms, and, the Enteric coated Aspirin, his blood thinner, is almost nonexistent here. We cannot find it at the local pharmacies, or even at Costco. No worries. Sign into, and get it from the US. Job done.

This morning, after having had his bed bath, his bedding all changed, and, getting him redressed in nice, warm woolen leggings, and long sleeved top, I shaved him, gave him some of my oat and plum cookies, which are quite high in fiber, and a glass of coffee with a straw. He nibbled on the cookies, as he only nibbles anymore; no big bites of anything. However, he fed himself, and was able to drink his coffee, through the straw, holding onto the glass.

Every day there is a bit more of him coming back. I realize this is only the second day he has been here, but I am telling you, honestly, he is already so much stronger, happier, and, smiling more. He is still very gaunt, and, all of his muscles quite atrophied from this damned CoVid virus.

He had been able to get outside, pushing his nephew, Juan, in his wheelchair, three, or, four miles everyday. Now, nothing. Not since this damn-demic started. They went out, a few times a month, on business visits, or medical visits, for both the Juanes, but nothing like walking around the park.

He sat in Juan’s Shiatsu message chair, everyday, all day. If you have ever seen one of these beauties, you would have seen two, long areas of rollers, that roll up and down, on either side of the spine. While they are quite lovely on the sore muscles of ones back, when sat against said rollers, day after day, for over a year, one can see how muscle spasms may have occurred.

Here he is, though, after his bath, and a shave. I kidded him that he needed to be very wary of a woman with an electric razor. He laughed. Then I took his photo, and showed him. He laughed even more. He said he had a goatee for awhile, but not since he was young. Now, he has one again. I think he looks more distinguished.

All of you, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Still handsome at ninety three.