Day 196

Gosh. I had forgotten how vibrant, and alive the downtown is here. People everywhere, going about their lives, all in seeming harmony.

There is construction going on all over the downtown area; buildings being updated, and, renovated while the virus is still in thrall. Downtown here reminds me, quite a bit, of what Chicago used to be like when I was younger, only with more color.

The whole downtown area is, simply, alive with kinetic energy; it is palpable as we drive around. Our friend is where he needs to be, but, as there is no parking within blocks of any government building, we are driving around, until he is finished. Actually, I am being chauffeured; you may call me Miss Daisy.

People are dressed much fancier down here, in this part of town, probably because of their jobs. From that extreme to the other, there are plenty of people casually dressed, almost bohemian in style. People with blue hair, purple hair, green hair; mostly black however.

I must also say that this downtown is one of the cleanest areas we have ever seen. That is one thing that we have always commented on, a cities cleanliness.

When we were in la Ciudad Victoria, earlier this year, not only was it horribly hot, over one hundred degrees, but it was filthy. There was garbage everywhere, on the streets, the sidewalks, everywhere.

Here, the only thing on the streets, or sidewalks, are fallen leaves. And that is only if no one has gotten out to sweep them up.

By and large, it is a beautiful city, in the way beauty can be designated of large cities. The old, black wrought iron gates, along side new, modern glass buildings. Hundreds of buildings still waiting to be inhabited, as they were once. I

t will be something to watch as the threat of the virus becomes less over time, and life tries to reestablish itself.

Until that time, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.