Day 195

We are out and about this morning- on our way downtown to one of the government buildings. A friend has business to take care of, so, he invited us along. We will use any excuse to get out of the condo.

Of course, we will have to have breakfast when we are done. Am I right?

I cannot wait for my “regular” breakfast of “Huevos al Albañil”; scrambled eggs, with about fifty grams of very tender skirt steak, called arrachera, salsa verde, little spears of carmelized onions, a few toasted serrano chile slices, and a crispy corn tortilla. Two, or more, cups of the best coffee, a small plate of papaya, and I am good until supper.

The sun is shining, the temperature is a stunning fifty five degrees F., thirteen degrees C., the kitchen is finally clean, after all of the cooking of the menudo, so it is sure to be a wonderful day.

Until we talk again, please, stay vigilant, but also, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones. This virus is not finished with us just yet.