Day 194

I DID IT!! I figured out how to manually add the points we are accumulating, at Toks, to the account I made from their advertisement.

It has taken me the better part of a week to figure out how to add the points manually. In theory, I was supposed to be able to download the Club member app from the App Store. But, nooo. I cannot, for whatever reason, find the app I need.

Went to the place where I registered the account, found the place where I can enter the ticket number manually, and, as it is said, the rest is history. As we go there so frequently, it was like pouring money down the proverbial drain. This way, at some, as yet unknown time, we should get something “free”.

A funny side note: when we went in this morning, they did not ask us the normal “have you had a fever, cough, or flulike symptoms”, and when we gave them our first names, the receptionist was already writing them down. Hahaha.

While we wait for our food, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.