Day 194

The weather is changing here, and the leaves are beginning to fall. It reminds me of being up North. It is my second favorite season of the year.

Here, the mornings are a cool fifty five degrees Fahrenheit, rising to the mid seventies by early evening.

The smells, in the morning, are so clean and fresh, I have to open the windows before Ivan thinks it is warm enough to do so. I try to go in another room so he does not get too cold. It is a wonderful way to start the day.

We are on our way to have some coffee and breakfast with Enrique. Going to get some more points at Toks. Plus, I do not have to do the clean up. Yay.

I am having the scrambled eggs with really, really tender skirt steak. OMG. The steak does not even need to be chewed, it is so tender.

While we have breakfast, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.