Day 189

I am in Heaven, figuratively speaking.

We are waiting to go to see our favorite dentista, sitting outside our favorite café, Café Arbol, enjoying our favorite drink, a large Café Americano, with our favorite friend, Enrique. The temperature is a brisk fifty eight degrees Fahrenheit, the sun is shining, and it is a perfect day.

I expound because it feels like it has been months since I was outside, though it has really only been a week. This absolutely recharges my internal batteries to the fullest.

This is exactly the weather I thrive in. Cool in the morning, warmer in the afternoon, then cool at night. We love to sleep under a beautiful duvet, with a medium weight comforter inside it.

Getting up, in the middle of the night, to run to the bathroom, and run back, is a bit of a challenge, however, as the floors are all tile, and, as cold as outside.

We are off the the dentista, so, while we are on the way, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.