Day 185

I am still here, plugging away, but having just a bit of sluggishness from this computer. Several weeks ago, maybe longer, I do not recall, “someone” spilled cranberry juice on the keyboard. We got it wiped up quickly, and, used my hair dryer to finish drying it, but the poor thing has never been quite the same.

I Googled how to clean sticky keyboards, so I tried Isopropyl Alcohol, as suggested. That seems to have eased things a bit. Onward, and upward.

I have been up to my chin in bread baking recently, now that I have a beautifully active starter. I am baking bread every other day, sometimes daily. My sister-in-law, Mayra, is kindly sending me the baking supplies that I recently ordered from King Arthur Baking Co. I will then have four bread pans, of the same nine inches by four inches, enabling me to bake several loaves at the same time. This will save me time, and, money, in the long run.

I have discovered, recently, that I can make one loaf of bread, using instant yeast, which allows it to rise quickly, and make one loaf on my sourdough culture, which takes several hours to rise, all on the same day. And, with only one loaf pan. Am anxious for the new pans.

Right now, I am buying my flour online, as none of the stores, here, have the organic flour for which I am looking. (I do not want to take a chance that Customs will keep it at the border, as you cannot ship food products across the border anymore. Bummer).

The bread is turning out very nicely, however, and, I am very encouraged by that. I am going to start venturing out into the world of sweet things, like small cakes, pies, quick breads, etc.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Post script: you may be interested to know that I removed, and cleaned, and successfully replaced the return, the right shift, and, the space bar keys. They are, once again, fully functional. Yay me.

Post script two: Vote. Find a ride, if you need one. Find a carpool, and ride with them. Do what you need to do, but VOTE. There is NO excuse, other than a life threatening illness, God forbid, so get out there and VOTE. If you do not vote, you can have NO OPINION on the results.