Day 177

Well, I have found two bread recipes that work well for me in this altitude; Joshua Weissman’s (Youtube) Supermarket Bread recipe, and a Sourdough sandwich bread recipe by

I feel that I have tweaked Joshua’s recipe enough that it is really now my recipe, and, it is delicious. I have made only two loaves of the sourdough sandwich loaf, actually, the second loaf is doing a slow rise as I type, but I have made only one small adjustment. It calls for applying an egg wash to the crust before baking it, but the crust came out too hard, so I will not be doing that again. I will, however, butter this crust when it comes out of the oven. That should give it a nice, soft texture that even Ivan can chew.

Not much else to report today. No contractor, or workers in sight yet. So, while we wait for them, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.