Day 175

What kind of nurse does not even have a package of Lomotil in her home, you ask? A retired nurse that no longer has close medical ties in her community any more, that is who. And, now, that is me.

I do want you to know that Ivan brought me my consumé yesterday; gone in a heartbeat. He also brought me Fruit Punch Gatorade. Amen for that stuff. PLUS, I found the last of my Loperamida, (Lomotil), that I needed while we were in la Ciudad Victoria last year, getting Ivan’s paperwork sorted out. That was a fun trip we will not soon forget, I can tell you.

So, hopefully, I will stop this incessant running to the bathroom every hour, my belly distended beyond my thirteen months pregnant belly before the diarrhea. One can only hope.

Ivan bought some pancita (stomach) at Costco the other day, so we can make a trial batch of menudo before the holidays. We made a batch while still up North, and, it was delicious. For those of you that enjoy menudo, I will include a recipe when we perfect it. For those of you that do not care for menudo, ignore the recipe. Better yet, try it with someone who knows how to enjoy it.

What I really want to tell you about the aforementioned pancita is that, normally, when purchased, one needs to bring it home, and spend hours, sometimes days, cleaning this stuff. Not when purchased at Costco. It has the faintest smell of bleach, which has been absorbed into the fat of the pancita. No problem as we will be cleaning all of the fat off of the pancita, removing the fat, and then, cutting it into its one and a half, by one and a half inch squares. We cannot wait.

We have never seen this selection of the cow cleaned so well, prepped for us so nicely. While we get busy perfecting our recipe, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover you mouth, and, protect your loved ones.