Day 174

I am so bummed. I cannot shake this session of “the revenge”. It has been five days now, and I cannot eat anything! Believe me, I have tried.

The day before yesterday, I tried a poached egg on dry toast. No good. Yesterday, I tried mashed potatoes. Nope. Did not work. I tried Kombucha. I cannot really say if that did anything one way or the other, but, so far, nada.

Let me tell you that this is not the way I wanted to drop a few pounds. At this point, however, I will take whatever works.

Ivan, and Enrique, went to do some shopping, (I do my best cleaning when I am by myself), as I managed to sweat through a bit of light housework; nothing too strenuous. I absolutely have no energy left to do much, but sit. I told him they should go out for lunch, but, to let me know where they were going, so I could pretend I was able to eat something, too. Unfortunately, for me anyway, he did not tell me they were at Toks until after had they left. I would like to have ordered a large bowl of chicken broth to go; they make the best caldo de pollo. Yum.

After texting him, he said he would buy me a consumé somewhere in the mercado, and bring it home. I cannot wait. I am not hungry, really. I just know that I have not eaten, and, cannot eat, ergo, I should be hungry.

Luis, and Martín are coming back sometime this week, to continue work here, so I am going to suck it up, and make them, each, a loaf of bread. The one I made the other day for E, turned out beautifully. I am going to stick with that recipe for awhile.

While we wait for the consumé to arrive, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: the caldo de pollo was indescribable. It had a bit of rice, and a small leg of chicken. It is my next quest to make a caldo that rich. Life sustaining.