Day 167

Goodness gracious. We are going to have to save up for our new “forever” Christmas tree, from now until October.

We found one we like at Costco. It is nine feet tall, and will look gorgeous in our living room. That is one thing our “living area” has, and that is a high ceiling. It is, easily ten feet high, I do believe. We are going to put it in front of the windows.

Speaking of Costco, there is a huge Soriana grocery store in the same parking lot, so we stopped there to get the veg we need for the pozole we are making tomorrow. (Keep reading; you will read all about it). We have never stopped there before, I cannot say why not, but today we did.

It is amazing. It has almost everything we need, except shallots. No one here seems to use shallots. Or, scallions. There are spring onions, which, if you can find the smallest ones, they can be used as scallions. Works for me, anyway. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

Completing that thought; in two days it will be the sixteenth of September, which is México’s day of Independence, when México first became a country.

Lot’s of things going on in the city. We are going over to Juan’s house to make, and, then eat, of course, pozole. It is, I am told, traditional.

Made with different parts of the pig for flavor, we bought several pieces from the head, the face, and the legs. It is made with hominy, and broth; some use chicken, some beef broth. Personal preference. We are bringing the condiments; the lettuce, onions, and radishes. All prepped for service.

We are, (read I am) going to chop up the onions, and radishes, then thinly slice the lettuce, before taking them there for dinner. Last year, (Ivan and I always chuckle when we remember it), the radishes, and onions were in big chunks, making it a bit difficult to eat as they both have a bit of heat.

I will try to remember to take photos of the dinner, and post it for you.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: second paragraph was wrong by miles. We will be getting the seven foot tree and loving it for half the cost. We will pretend it is nine feet tall. 😂