Day 168

I have got to tell you that the second batch of Kombucha I made was dynamite. We are both drinking at least one bottle, sometimes two, every day, and enjoying every drop.

We have decided, for us, for now, a mix of pineapple, and blueberries, is our favorite flavor. The next batch we are going to venture into the world of fresh ginger. We like ginger ale well enough, but neither of us has done any cooking, yet, with fresh ginger. Should be interesting. We will be doing more in future, as we got our new wok. Yay.

I have always used pineapple as the base of our Kombucha, because it has so much natural sugar, necessary for the second round of fermentation. The Kombucha will not develop carbonation without sugar to feed the SCOBY. It becomes just a flat flavored tea. Yuck. Does not interest us.

The bottle does not have to explode with carbonation, and, really should not explode, especially if it has been refrigerated. As I said, in the earlier post, once it is cooled down, the carbonation is present, but not explosively so.

I wish you could taste the flavors yourselves. Well, actually, you can. Go to the grocery store, and buy a bottle. They are usually three to five dollars a bottle. Homemade Kombucha, after the initial cost outlay for the few necessary supplies, the usual cost is pennies per bottle. If you become a Kombucha fan, consider it an investment. Plus, you get tons of probiotics as a result. No loser here.

Well, that ends my thoughts for the moment. Who know when, or what, will cross my mind for the next post? Certainly not I.

But, while I try to think of something, you all have your routine. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.