Day 170

Usually, I have a pretty relaxed, easy going, retired persons attitude, so very few things annoy, or bother me. However, one of those things that does, is watching that evil little wheel, in the middle of my computer screen, when the internet is slow.

You know the symbol I mean- that never ending circle that continues to turn, and turn, and turn, and turn, and turn, until you are so hypnotized by it that, when it stops turning, you have no recollection why you were even on the site to begin with.


I just spent the previous several minutes watching the ever turning circle while waiting for a video to load. Since it still has not loaded, I thought I would write a post about it.

Ok. Now that I am done ranting; oh, as a side note, my husband got his Macbook back from the “cleaners”, so I got this one, (I used to call it “mine”), back from him. It has been so long since I used it, I had to go back over all of the little tips, and tricks, that I used to take for granted.

I must say, that is so much easier, and faster, for me to type on this than my smaller appliances. The others are better suited for when we are out and about, not here in the condo. Turns out I can type pretty fast, and with astonishingly few mistakes. The funniest thing, though, is I am way too comfortable with touch screens, and this one does not have that. I am forever trying to move things around on the screen with my fingers. Muscle memory, that is all that is. Only problem is that I have more muscle memory than brain memory these days. Hah!

I was going to go back to the rant, but instead, I will tell you about my bread baking plans. Hope that is ok with you.

Tomorrow, I am going to get up, and make my first, but, certainly not the last, loaf of soft crusted sourdough bread in my newest acquisition- a pullman pan. It is a bread pan with a lid that, when the bread dough rises, it becomes a square, more accurately a rectangular, loaf of bread, like you buy in the store. That way, until Ivan can chew things more easily, I can cut off the crusts when making him a sandwich, and use that for my croutons.

Of course, I will let you know how it turns out; do I not always do so? Until that happens, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.