Day 163

Here is something to ponder.

Check out the shipping and handling costs.

I was complaining to Ivan about the quantity of Ibuprofen we are able to buy down here. The largest box I have seen has one hundred forty tablets of two hundred milligrams, and, is two hundred, and some, pesos, or, approximately, ten dollars!

What? This is the county that is supposed to have cheaper drug rates. Just not Ibuprofen, I guess.

So, as you can see, from the photo, we are definitely able to purchase a much larger quantity on Amazon. The shipping, however, is untenable. It is no wonder that Juan used to ask us to bring Ibuprofen down with us when we came down on vacation!!!

Conversely, you can buy packages as small as ten tablets for twenty pesos. Who needs only ten tablets of Ibuprofen, I have to ask?

Of course, I have made a plea to my favorite family member who has graciously heard my plea. I will order a plethora of Ibuprofen from Amazon, have them sent to her house, then she will send them to us. Win, win, as I am close to immobile without them.

While we wait for our “stash”, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.