Day 162

Today, we are, once again, at the dentist office. Ivan is having two of the four posts reimplanted; they will hold the top denture plate in place. Over the course of several weeks, after their original implantation, the two posts on the right side came out. The bone in his jaw enlarged, just enough to allow them to slip out. His new posts are here so Dr. Priscila is implanting them.

Her office has been completely remodeled, and, looks wonderful. I think I have both before, and, after photos. Do not go anywhere. I am going to look for them.

Found them. Here they are.

The reception area before.
The other side of the reception area.
One her two dental chairs.
New reception area.
New storage, and, work space. Her surgical assistant.
Dra. Priscila, with her best, and, favorite patient. (He is so handsome).
The team.

A few days later, Ivan is doing well, as expected. He is eating scrambled eggs, sometimes with a piece of soft white bread. He is taking his meds as prescribed, and will follow up in the office in a few days.