Day 16

Not sure when all of the virus will be gone. Now I read that it is mutating, attempting to remain virulent in whatever part of the world it is inhabiting. Great!!!

There is a really good video on YouTube by RT news called “Mexico City goes quiet during pandemic”. It was just posted yesterday, April 7th. and is only three minutes long. It clearly shows what is, or more importantly, what is not going on down here. (Note: during the video, you can see the pink and white taxis driving around El Zocolo, which you will read about in an upcoming post).

Normally, all of the walkways, and streets, especially the Zocolo, or the main square, downtown, where the governmental palaces are, (the first twenty three seconds of the video are all of El Zocolo), those are usually teeming with people, from all over the world. Not for the past two weeks have their been tourists, natives, or anyone, for that matter. For the most part, people are respecting the quarantine and staying home.

I know it is hard to stay home, not go out, and think about the endless hours, and endless days that we still have, yet, to go before we can go out safely. However, we will go out safely again, as long as we take the necessary precautions now. We will get through this, eventually. A friend of mine used to say, (when we were in surgical procedures together that did not appear to have an end in sight), that there has never been a surgery that did not end. Same thing here- there has never been an epi/pandemic that did not end. Patience.

Post script- Wash your hands Roger, was from the old Lava soap commercial from the seventies.