Day 159

It was sixteen years ago that my dad, Robert L. Nelson, passed away after having had multiple strokes. He was seventy six years old, and, far too young.

This is Labor day weekend, for those of you up North. Down here, it is just another weekend, in the time of the CoVid virus quarantine. Every day is just another Saturday, or Sunday, right now. Boring.

We do one little thing daily, because we do not want to have absolutely nothing to do for the day. If we got everything caught up, what would there be to do?

We are on our way to have the new tires balanced on the Mercedes, after having dropped off the older tires at Juan’s house. We can enjoy a bit more of the beautiful weather before having to go home.

While we wait to finish this latest episode of our continuing saga, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.