Day 157

We celebrated quite well the other night, for Ivan’s birthday! To say that none of us was able to go about our daily business the next day is an understatement!

The four of us, Ivan, the birthday recipient, (no, he is not a birthday boy!), Enrique, Marco, and I, shared two lovely bottles of vino tinto, (red wine), one from Argentina, and one from Baja de California, and, then, had a fine, not yet spectacular, dinner.

We, each, had a goodly sized portion of thirty day, medium rare, dry aged sirloin steak; a jus with butter; lovely mashed potatoes; a tossed salad, with cherry tomatoes, and, avocado, (with diced hard boiled egg, and, diced purple onion, on the side,), and, asparagus, grilled, with olive oil, coarse salt, then drizzled with Vinagre de Balsalmico!

There was very little to send home with “the guys”, but I did manage a bit. Each got a bit of potato mash, asparagus, and, whatever was left of the steak they had eaten. Not such a bad deal, I had to think!

Did I tell you how well my husband cleaned, and arranged the rooms, to accommodate the party? I hope I have the photos to show you what he did. (I just made the two dozen flour tortillas, potato mash, asparagus, steaks, and, salad. We share the load. It is the only way!)

Masa por viente y cuatro tortillas. Dough for twenty four flour tortillas.
Halfway through!
Cinto tinto de Baja de California! Excelente!
Actually, most of the way through dinner.
A good time was had by us all.
Enrique, me, and, Marco.
The party’s over! It’s time to call it a day! They’ve burst your pretty balloon, and, taken the booze away!
Everyone is gone, and we could not not have had a better time.

These next forty, plus, birthdays, for both of us, are, and, will be, so special! Each one signifies another year of wonder, learning, exploring, learning, living!

We have found our Shangri la. There is no other place in this world we want to be. We are so at peace here, next to the beautiful parks, in the fresh air, the beautiful sunshine, the amazing people!

It is like nothing we have experienced before, except when coming here on vacation. But it is more than that; it is a new life experience! We are happy to embrace the lifestyle, the culture, the experience. This is why we are here.

Soon, in the next year, we are wanting to start traveling; within México, and, around the world. Until we do, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.