Day 156

I do not understand what is wrong with me. I wonder if I am losing what little mind I have left?!

So far, in just these two days past, I have misplaced a large, red, handheld fan from Japan, a gift, and, my small leather coin purse, full of coins!

Of course, I have not gone down to the cars, to check them; that is too much work. When Ivan goes out tomorrow, to get the new tires for the Mercedes, he will check the cars. Much easier that way. Of course, I will have to, at some point, go down, and check them myself. Either of us could be looking for an object that we cannot find, only to have the other one comment that it is in the other ones hand!!!

Such is life, eh? Until I find the dang things, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I am going to try my hand at some sort of bread, or, rolls using some of the sourdough for leavening. I will let you know, good, or, bad, how things work out.