Day 153

We just did another round of replenishing our staples; mostly for the birthday party tomorrow.

As we were driving down the streets, I was able to smell, in different places, the aroma of frying and/or grilling onions; something we have not smelled since last year. One of my favorite odors.

Now, we are sitting at a sidewalk table at the Copacabana, just down the street from Sam’s Club. We had lunch here, and are relaxing while our to-go burritos, for the family, are being made. Actually, here they called burros because they are so large.

I have to say there is nothing quite like the feeling of being on vacation every day instead of once a year. We are enjoying every day as it comes.

Here is what we saw at the Copa. (Feel free to break into song. Barry Manilow will thank you).

Looking inwards, from the street side table.
Sitting by the sidewalk has a wonderful view in three direction.
Looking behind Enrique, and over my right shoulder.

We each had one taco of brains, cheeks, tongue, jowls, and, steak. Brains, (sesos), not our favorite here. They were too soft. A little crispy would have been better. We both agreed.

It is overcast at the moment, and about sixty eight degrees. The perfect day to ride around town, seeing what is rejuvenating and what has closed, permanently.

Until we get done delivering our bounty, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.