Day 152

OMG!!! I went out to the kitchen, just a while ago, to finish putting away the remains of our supper, when I caught this out of the corner of my eye. I could not believe it. Wait until you see it. You will not believe it either.

This is a two cup measuring cup. The culture measured to one cup when I fed it this morning.
This photo shows two things- bubbles, lot’s of them, all the way to the bottom of the measuring cup, and the fact that it is full, up to the two cup measure. It is alive.

I could not believe it. I have been dumping, and feeding, repeat, twice a day, for about sevenish days, with little, or nothing to show for it. All of a sudden, when I looked at the measuring cup, I could not longer see through the glass. I have always been able to see through the glass. What was happening? Could it be taking off, finally? YES! It did. It is. You know what I mean.

I am going to relax, go back to the bedroom, start typing this post so you folks can see what happens when you group your living fungal colonies within drifting distance of one another.

In the past, I was taught to keep different cultures at least five feet from each other, so they do not cross contaminate. Yesterday, however, I got to thinking that if the bacteria and yeast are all floating around in the atmosphere, what possible difference could it make how close together they sat on the countertop?! Let the experiment begin.

This is after fourteen hours. You can see that it went up to three times the original.

You can see for yourselves, from the above photos, it makes only a positive difference. I was getting nowhere with them across the room from each other; now we have sourdough, and, kombucha. Success in my estimation.

While I am now, more patiently, awaiting a loaf of crusty, crunchy crusted, open crumbed, soft interior artisanal sourdough bread, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.

PS: happy birthday, honey.