Day 15, I think

We have been here two weeks now. I miss our condo. We were just getting into a rhythm there, walking, eating less, cleaning, and laundry.

Though we are not in our condo, we are actually proving useful over here. I have been getting up, every morning, fairly early by my estimation, and making a large pan of eggs, (usually one egg for each of us, a total of six) with various additions, (such as chorizo with diced potatoes and onions, or bacon and cheese with homemade salsa), refried beans, and coffees, both with and without caffeine. Whenever anyone has gotten up, usually between ten and twelve o’clock, I have been heating tortillas on the stove top, in the flame of the gas stove, my favorites, because the tortillas always have small amounts of burned spots, which give the tortillas a better flavor. Fortunately, those here, enjoy their tortillas the same way. Score!

I was taking a tray of food into Juan’s room, our cousin, in the morning, because that is what I have seen others do, but he told me he much preferred getting up to the table and eating there. In his room, he has to eat lying on his belly, and it is very uncomfortable for him. So, after the second day of “room service”, he came to the table, after his morning ablutions, and had his breakfast there.

The other thing we have been doing is eating only two “real” meals a day. We have breakfast, which, as I said, is usually more brunch than anything, and then dinner, around five or five thirty. Tonight, I made frijoles negros (black beans, in the Instant Pot, OMG!), white rice, and tacitos, here they are called flautas, or “flutes”. I made a dozen flautas of pork, (and you now how I make the pork), and a half dozen from chicken.

I make decaf coffee in the evening, and serve los dos Juanes a light snack before they finish watching their “noticias”, or the news. Since they are not able to walk right now, or, not much, I feel that if they eat two “real” meals during the day, they only need a light snack in the evening. As my F-I-L loves his coffee, he can have the decaf, plus some light cookies, and enjoy himself, without worry of staying up all night, or gaining weight. Win, win.

Yesterday, again, I did two loads of laundry, and, will attempt another load tomorrow. That will give me something to do in this seclusion. Plus, the new washer and dryer work so well, it is not a chore. Plus plus, when I open the door to the rooftop, and see the gorgeous jacaranda tree in bloom, it is sheer joy. I know that sounds crazy, but I have always been a laundry girl. The satisfaction of taking piles of dirty clothes to the laundry area, which used to be in the dungeon, and make all of that into clean, wearable clothing again- marvelous.

We have been trying to make our “going out” as infrequent as we can, but, we do, on occasion, as you have read here, go out to the major stores only, Costco, Sam’s Club, and Soriana. Remember, the other day when we went to Sam’s Club, everyone that went into the store had to have a SC card!!! We can get everything we need at those three stores. Except eggs. No one has eggs on the shelf. I am close to panic mode here folks, because we eat eggs every morning.

Stay happy, stay healthy, STAY HOME. Wash your hands Roger. Ten gold sovereigns to anyone who can tell me what commercial, from the seventies, the underlined line came from.

Post script- not going home until Easter Sunday, or the day before. P&P are shut up, really, in their sons apartment in Saltillo. They have not been allowed out of their sons apartment since they arrived there two weeks ago. The entire city is shut down, actually. Amazing. We, too, are supposed to stay home, but it is not like that in the suburbs. Many people, ourselves included, are, for the most part, going about our daily lives. Fortunately for us, that does not require us to leave here very often. When we do, we wash our hands, wash our hands again, and then again, when we get home.

Post script two- I am going to try to upload of a photo of my right arm, from this afternoon. Just curious as to what these f***ing bugs eat when I am not around?

Hah! They look even worse tonight. They are weeping, itching, then, becoming painful. The top one, now, is about the size of a quarter, and the bottom, the size of a large nickel. The one at my elbow, that you have not seen, is also the size of a nickel. The first week we were here, I woke up to three of these, two on my left ankle and one on my right. In the past week, I have, yet again, awakened to five of these, this time, on the right side of my body, two on my right buttock, and two on my right thorax and one on my shoulder. I cannot stand much more of these. They are driving me crazy(ier).