Day 149

I had a couple of hours, whilst I was supposedly sleeping, to contemplate how I should rearrange the kitchen. This afternoon, I did just that. Here are the results.

Now I have the veg. in front of me so I can see what needs to be used. Plus, I have a new pepper collection (L-R) green, black, white, and pink.

I cannot tell you how many times I have forgotten a certain something in the produce tier, only to find it decomposing on the rack, in the back, of course. Yuck! So, now that I brought it over, in front of my eyes, I should have a bit better control over the beast.

My new fermentation station!

In the new fermentation station, in the back, you will see the eleven bottles of newly bottled kombucha! They are just starting their second fermentation, all of them with mango, and blueberries. Hopefully they will taste better than the first batch I made.

In the little jar that is covered, is my second, actually my third attempt at a sourdough starter. Sometimes I find it full of bubbles, then, the next time, nothing. What the heck? I am not giving up. I will do this until we have a loaf of sourdough bread if it takes me another year to get it to live!

In the bowl, to the left, is the SCOBY (the “mother” that feeds on the tea, and sugar she is fed, thus producing kombucha in return), that developed in the second two gallon container. It turned to a sour vinegar, because someone was too lazy to deal with it, so I dumped it out this afternoon. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Until I better understand the fermentation cycle down here, I am limiting myself to only one two gallon container. The other container now contains drinking water. Convenient. Yay!

I ordered a new wok that will be here by Friday, in theory, so we will start doing some Asian style cooking. Unfortunately, however, we still have a freezer full of European meats- Bratwurst, for example. We have three packages of four brats, several packages of Italian sausages, British bangers, plus, thick cut bacon. I am sure they will be taken care of when we get back to that part of the world, on our food journey around the world.

Too funny! Even for me. Until we get back, so to speak, I know you know what to do. In case you are new here, however, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: wait until you see what I have planned for the pantry!