Day 139

It is overcast and sixty six degrees, at the moment. I am in Heaven. (Never mind. Within an hour, it shot up to seventy three degrees. Better than ninety three degrees any day).

As I have said, in other posts, this is, evidently the rainy season- June through September. Ok by me!

Really, the only downside is the puddles of standing water. That is not so much on the streets as in the lower level parking garages. They are, in some places, small lakes.

With all the potholes on the streets here, one needs to be ever vigilant, or one will lose a tire and rim.

The upside of warm weather is that my sourdough is taking off like a healthy, living culture should. Let me see if I can upload some photos I just took.

The mark is where it was before this most recent feeding.
This is a photo from the top of the jar. I LOVE BUBBLES !!!

As I just started this culture three days ago, I have all the confidence that I will be able to start baking sourdough bread, or, buns, or, pizza sometime next week. These results, thus far, have come because I have finally figured out that the culture prefers the warmth of our oven, with the light on at night, which increases the temperature about five degrees. Of course you will be able to see the results of my baking, good, or bad, when I have them.

I believe that I have a recent post telling you that this culture is from here, in México City, so it should do well at this altitude. My kombucha, however, remains to be seen. Though I did get the SCOBY, or mother, here in México as well, it is still a work in progress. Trial, and, error. The only way some of us truly learn.

Until those results are in, keep happy, keep healthy, keep safe. Continue to wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.