Day 136

Things are picking up marginally here. People are venturing out, but few have any real place to go. Few have jobs in which to go back to. Markets have closed, Mom & Pop shops have closed,

I cannot say it often enough- we got out at the perfect time, for us. If we had stayed, and, waited until this year to retire, we probably would have lost our home, our vehicles, our everything. We had no savings, to speak to, though, our credit cards had no balances on them.

People, here, are back, in small groups, trying to make some money in anyway they can. Homes are for sale, apartments for rent, all over the city. It is terribly sad to watch the degradation of this beautiful city, and its culture. I wonder where we will be in the following year.

Farmers have taken to parking their small pickup trucks, filled with their home grown produce, on the streets, in affluent neighborhoods. Pretty smart. Bring the green grocer to the people instead of hoping the people can get to them.

An little anecdote, in passing: We are on the way to Costco, and, just being outside, in the sun, is so invigorating. It seems like years in between the times we get to go outside. Every moment outside is a moment to cherish. Right?

On an entirely different subject, we have started going back to Toks, for the best cup of coffee in the area, plus a bowl of soup. It is close, inexpensive, and safe. The tables are designated as off limits within one and a half meters, one from another. The wait staff all wear masks, and the tables, even the empty ones, are cleaned every two hours, unless they have been used.

You can see the signs on every other table, asking one to keep a social distance.
When you leave your table, they ask that you “follow the flow”, going to the register around the outer edges of the restaurant, again, maintaining one and a half meters between you and the other patrons.

When we “get” to go outside, my mind, and, my imagination absolutely explode with things I want to tell you. Frequently, while riding in the car, or, walking through Costco, or Sam’s, I pull out my phone, and, start typing away at a thought I have, or an idea I want to put forth.

Funny. I have always wanted to have some sort of recording device, you know, one of those little hand held recorder, to record different things I wanted to tell someone. Well, I had one, but the grandkids got the most use ours of it- Serena especially. They all enjoyed hearing their own voices being replayed to them. Hah! What a memory.

We are not going out again tomorrow, as we went out today. Rarely do we go out more than one day a week. We are not interested in taking the chance that someone has not sanitized something. We have not medical doctor,yet, not since Dr. Arturo died.

We will find someone soon, but until that happens, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.