Day 135

One of the new double towel racks came today. Hopefully the second one will be here soon.

We are going to reconfigure the pantry area, expand its capabilities, if you will. As we face the cabinet doors, there is a blank wall on either side of the cabinets, begging to have pots, and pans, hanging from the racks. Yay.

Plus, if we take the bottom shelves off of the five tier cart that is currently on the opposite wall, we could put a small chest freezer there, and still have the storage above.(I thought of that in the middle of the night, when I could not find my sleep. Have to run it by my other half, but, at the moment, he has found his sleep).

Lots of little things to do, however, no real enthusiasm, or compulsion, to do them. We are bored more than I can say.

Oh, yesterday I got the courage to start one of my sourdough starters. The culture, itself, was obtained here, in México City, so I am guessing it should work. I learned, too, that fermentation, at as high an altitude as we are, is about one quarter to one half the time it takes closer to sea level. No wonder my kombucha tastes like vinegar- I let it sit too long before it’s second ferment. I am used to fermentation taking one to two weeks before being ready to flavor it, and bottle it. This is way faster then I care for.

I will persevere, and, I will prevail. While I am doing both of those things, do not fall back to your old, bad habits. Stay vigilant, stay healthy, stay happy, and, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.