Day 134

We are without internet at the moment, so I am going to take a moment to post something. I really have no idea what I am going to tell you, so, we will see what happens.

I will tell you that I have started a baby blanket for Jesús and Lizbeht, and their little ”someone”. It is a blanket I made several years ago for one of the grandchildren.

I ordered a pastel mint green yarn from which I received just the other day. I am going to start with a pattern from, called Cuddle Me by Manuel. As I said, I made this same blanket, many years ago, for one of our grandkids, but feel it will give be a well needed boost in my “getting back to knitting”, campaign. It has stitch additions leaning to the left, and the same to the right. It also uses a cable needle to make beautiful cables all up and down the blanket.

I have not knitted a single stitch for over a year, and, probably, a half, since before I retired, and began the whole packing, and, moving part of our lives. So many of the different stitches I knew how to knit, now, I have to look them all up on YouTube again. What a bother.

I also came across the shawl that I have been knitting for half an eon, in the knitting bag of my grandmother, Momo. She was my mom’s mom. I even found some of Momo’s knitting needles, and asundry knitting things. How wonderful, to find them, a second time!

I thought that I could just pick up and go, dive right into the pattern, and be done in a few weeks. Then, I saw a video showing how to knit faster using the Continental style of knitting. So, I got some yarn, and tried knitting that way. Nope. Not for me.

I discovered that I do a form of this in my English style of knitting. I used to be a “thrower”, but have, after all of my knitting years, reduced my movements to almost doing a form of Continental knitting. I no longer “throw” the yarn over the needle, but “help” it over the needle. There is very little movement in my hands, which is always a knitters most efficient way of knitting.

It takes a lot of muscle movement to knit, not to mention ability to read a pattern, either in the typed version, or the charted version. When I was knitting my shawl, I got really good at reading the chart, which I thought a major accomplishment. Now, I can read it, kind of, but not like I could, say, two year ago.

No worries. By the time the baby is born, I should have a handle, once again, on all of the different stitches I came to know, and love. I will show you photos as I go along.

Until then, please, be happy, be healthy, be safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: have I mentioned that it is raining? Every night since the beginning of June. Marco says the rainy season is June through September. Yay, for me, anyway.

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