Day 131

Finally. We have heard from the dealership, and, have been denied the loan. No worries. We get our down payment back, plus, we can pay off the credit cards we have had to use during all of the remodeling we have done. Win, win, as far as we are concerned.

It is funny, in a way, though, because the bank has our account information, and, can see, in black, and, white, that we have enough money in our bank account to pay for the car in cash. We were told they did not think we could afford the vehicle. Makes us laugh. We paid cash for three vehicles in one year.

It sounds like it upsets me, but, the only thing that upsets me is the fact we were denied. Silly, I know, but he have not been denied credit in twenty years. It hurt my tender feelings.

While my tender feelings are healing, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.