Day 129

I have got to show you what we did this past weekend. We have had our TV up on two large totes that came to about six inches from the end of the bed, on Ivan’s side. Consequently, he has had to sidle his way to bed every night that we have been back here in the condo. So…….

Yesterday, he got off of the “couch” that we have in our room, so, if, and, when, we want, we can watch TV. He pushed away his TV tray, (we each have one that serves as our own little “desk space”), started putting together his mise en place, asked me if I would help, for which, of course, I had been waiting, and this is what we accomplished.

From this mess-
To the mise en place, to –
To this. Finally.

We have removed all of the totes from the bedroom, purchased these TV trays, which we now use as our night stands, our computer desks, and our BluRay player station. Almost everything is out from under the bed, and our room is so spacious, just as we had it planned. We are using the TV trays until Luis and Martín can get back here to finish putting up the shelves, and the cabinets.

While we wait for that, and the storm that is coming, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.