Day 126

Our neighbor knocked on our door today. She spoke to me in a rapid Spanish that I could not understand. She indicated that she was going to get her husband, and I said, I’m sorry, but NO. I was not going to talk to her husband.

We have been complaining that their dogs have been bringing in so much dirt, and mud, that Jesús can’t keep up, cleaning the floor, and the stairs. He tries, but, even he feels he can’t keep up.

What are they dragging into the condo with their dogs? (Plural!!) We come up the steps, hours later, and there is mud, all over the stairs.

Ivan is talking to the administrator, and our friend, Claudia, as I type this. Hopefully, he will have some sort of impact on what is going on. He usually does.

Speaking of cleaning, we were walking through Costco the other day, when we came upon some collapsible laundry baskets. When asked if I would like a couple of them, I, of course, jumped at the chance. In our limited space, we need all of the “collapsible” we can get. So, we got two.

Though we have one hundred twenty square meters (almost thirteen hundred square feet) of living space, we are limited in our storage, as are most people. So, once the quarantine is over, Luis, and Martín are coming back to finish putting in cabinets in our bedroom, our bathroom, and shelves in the living room. That should help us unload the black and yellow totes we have all over the place.

When they finish the construction, I will post more photos of the transition. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.