Day 123

I do not understand how someone can sit at their desk, and talk on the phone, in a private conversation, while they have clients, sitting across from them, and a half dozen others, outside, waiting to be served.

Wow! Sorry about that, but, I just had to get that all out of my system. It does not help to keep it all bottled up inside. I have a cold sore the size of Texas to prove it.

Let me explain the tirade.

In my last post I told you that we had to go to the bank this morning, to undo my mistake. The bank opens at 10:00 so we were there at 9:40, hoping to get in, rather sooner, than later. To no avail. One stands in line and waits ones turn.

Thirty minutes we waited to get inside, another twenty minutes to get to a desk. Behind said desk was the individual of whom I wrote in the beginning. Twenty five minutes she was on the phone, chuckling away at someone, unknown on the other end of the phone, while we sat, as patiently as humanly possible, (though, I confess, I was giving her the stink eye the whole time).

Finally, though, still on the phone, she printed the one page of our account that we needed. We choked out a thank you and left.

We are taking our transactions to the dealership tomorrow morning so they can approve or deny the purchase of the BMW. While we wait for that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, protect your loved ones.

Post script: my account mishap was corrected by the time we sat down, to wait for the first twenty minutes. Thought you might enjoy knowing that.