Day 122

Okay, so I messed up. Sue me!

We need the transactions, all of them, from our bank account down here, in order to “finish” the loan application, for the new BMW.

Sooooo, I downloaded the app for HSBC.MX, and started working on registering us online. Of course, it is all in Spanish, so I did the best I could with what I know. That said, I was able to get in, get our information, get a security thumb print to open the account, and, signed out. When I went to sign in again, well, that is when

That is when it hit the proverbial fan. Somehow, I forgot one of the passwords, three times, so it locked the online access. Fine. Let me defend myself by saying, somewhere in the signing up on this website, it asked me for a usuario, (username), and a contraseña, (password). Fine. I did that. Then, I remember, it wanted me to make an eight digit password, which could consist of lower case letters, and numbers. So, I did that. When I was supposed to use that password, I have no recollection. The original password, the wrong one that I used three times, that locked the account, that must have needed the eight digit password. To my thinking, eight digits are a whole lot easier to remember than the twelve digit password I used incorrectly. Ugh!

So, Ivan called the number, plastered on the webpage, making me look like a computer dummy, but they were unable to help me “reset my damn password”. So not like in the States. I am not sure if this way is better, or worse, because now I look like some stupe, someone who cannot use the internet properly.

We have to go to the principals office, (the bank), on Monday morning to have them release the account. I want to show them the one hundred fifty plus websites I have usernames, and passwords for, and ask them if they could set up their bank account in English, without anyone else’s help.

Okay, I feel a bit better, but, still cannot access. Until Monday, until I can access out bank account, you know what to do. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.