Day 120

Today, our favorite neighbor, Claudia by name, (she lives in the apartment directly above us), came to ask us a question. Where could she buy the same “máscaras” (masks), we have? Anywhere close to the condo?

Let me say, here, and, now, she is the best person in this whole condominium! Ideals, moral compass, social conscience- like ours.

At the first meeting we had, here, last November, we realized she had the same morals, and values that we had. We feel, as does she, that the rules we all are supposed to abide by, rules made, and agreed upon by the association committee, should be enforced for all dwellers of this condominium. We have all purchased our apartments, however, those that chose to rent their spaces to outsiders, need to make it clear, to said renters, the rules will be followed, or they will be asked to leave.

That brings us to the subject of having animals in the condominium. The rules say that only those living here before 2017 are allowed to keep the animal(s) they had, but are not allowed to purchase new animals when the originals pass.

Our neighbors have two dogs that, on most nights, bark, off and on, for hours. The administrator is in the process of contacting the owner of the apartment, to have him come and tell these people to get rid of the dogs, or move. As he is making money on the rental of the apartment, he is slow in getting over here to give them the ultimatum. We do our best to shut our bedroom window, durning the “barking hour”. As soon as possible, we open it back up. The fresh air is soothing.

Until we get the dogs out of the condominium, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.