Day 12

Pretty much the same today as any other of the last eleven days. Except today, I did laundry, in the beautiful new washer and dryer, here at the house, after I made a very tasty meatloaf, with whipped potatoes, broccoli and corn that we ate for dinner.

Since we have been here, I have made a large breakfast for everyone, usually chorizo con huevo y papas, frijoles, tortillas or bread, all with a cup of deep, dark coffee. This seems to hold all of us until “dinner”, which has been between four thirty, and five thirty. Usually, at eight thirty or nine o’clock PM, everyone sits down for decaf coffee and sweet bread. As we have not been buying sweet bread, this has become just coffee, and maybe a piece of bread with peanut butter.

Tonight, as I was watching another episode of GOT, it began to rain. And then it became a storm, complete with lightening and thunder. Not to forget the deluge of water coming down in torrents. And you all know that spring thunderstorms are ambrosia to me. The temperature has dropped about ten degrees in the same amount of time, so I am in Heaven on Earth. It has been storming for at least twenty minutes and has not let up, well, not until I started typing this last sentence. Now it seems to be moving off into the distance. Damn.

Stay safe, stay happy, but, most importantly, stay home to stay healthy.