Day 11

We are going home Monday, or Tuesday of next week. P&P should be on their way back here by then, and we will no longer be needed. So, we will be taking Juan, our belongings, and going back to our condo- next week.

Very little sound outside- very eerie. However, yesterday, when we were out shopping, the stores were quite busy, surprisingly enough. Lots of people wearing flimsy masks- made me appreciate the N95 masks we were given every year during our TB screening. Unfortunately, I left my last three masks in my locker, when I retired. And, airborne viruses were exactly what we were being prepared for.

Originally, the scare was always Tuberculosis, but now, with this CoVid19 virus, well, who would have thought it would ever happen? It seemed a huge waste of time, every November, having to breathe into that plastic funneled helmet to check out what size N95 mask one would need in case of a viral contamination. Now, as I look back, a pandemic is exactly why we were being fitted for the masks. Who would have thought?

Remember, the single most important thing you can do during this crisis, besides staying home, is washing your hands- especially if you have to go out for any reason.

Stay safe, be as happy as you can be- you wanted a vacation, now you have one. Try not to go anywhere you do not need to go.

One bit of new information we are hearing down here is that the virus is mutating at a fairly rapid rate, and adjusting itself to the different areas of the state/country/ world it is in. The dogs that they were training to sense the virus in people are no longer able to do this, because of the rapid mutation. This is a virus most of us “younger” people have never witnessed.