Day 108

I just sent an email to the administrator of the condo committee, María Lourdes, “Lulu” is her nickname, asking if it would be acceptable to use the condo email chain, to ask if anyone would like to buy my homemade liquid laundry detergent. She just wrote back that she thought “it would be a good option to help the planet”, that she would relay this to the committee, and get back with me tomorrow.

If this is okayed by the committee, who will, going forward, be known as “them”, or “they”, I am going to ask fifty pesos for four liters, or, two and a half dollars per gallon. I am pretty sure everyone, here, will be able to afford that. I do not recall charging much more than that of my working coworkers, in years past.

I am so excited. I told Lulu that I am not interested in making a profit, just trying to get a good, ecological product to the people in the condo- many of whom have not been working since December. Plus, they do not have to leave the condo to buy it. Win, win I say.

Until I hear back from them, Lula, as well, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I just got an “excelente” from one of the inmates, by name, Claudia. She lives directly above us, and is so similar to us, in so many ways.

And, so it begins. 😉