Day 106

I have a good feeling about tomorrow. I think I a going to try my hand at making rolls, or, maybe, pizza. I want to see what the fermentation of yeast is like, here, at seven thousand feet above sea level.

Probably going to start out with a garlic, oregano, thyme dinner roll. Going to use olive oil, salt, and, half and half AP flour, and bread flour. I have no idea how it will turn out, but I will keep a record, just in case it is awesome.

At some point, I would like to make bolillos, tortillas, and, maybe, even pan dulces- sweet breads. It has been about two years since I made bread of any kind, so, it may take me awhile to get back in the groove. I hope not, as I have nothing but time on my hands. Hopefully that will be to my advantage. I will let you know.

While the dough is rising, and the weather is beautiful, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, protect your loved ones.

Post script: my second batch of kombucha is just about the same as what I made in the states. It is sour, with a hint of sweet. Some bottles are highly carbonated, some are not. That is fine with me. Trial and error.