Day 105

I was watching a video, on the YouTube channel, “Juaja Cocina Mexicana” the other day, searching for a recipe for a hearty chicken soup. In the video, Janet, the cook, calls for a sprig of fresh thyme, or, una ramita de tomillo. It is one of many items not yet in my pantry, so, on the shopping list it went.

This morning we went to Soriana to replenish perishables, and, low, and behold, there it was- una ramita de tomillo. Actually, it was in a small bundle of aromatics, or, hierbas de olor. Well, let me show you.

I do not know about you, but I, personally, have only seen bay leaves in a jar. All of those leaves are Bay Laurel leaves. The top right is Mexican oregano, and the bottom is ….. wait for it… ramitas de tomillo, sprigs of thyme. Yay!

As I was skeptical about finding the above, last night I ordered seeds, and growing materials, plus fertilizer from It should be here in the next week, or so. It has to come from the US. Oh, well. I will be able to grow some of the herbs I am learning to use in cooking.

When it gets here, I will be sure to let you see the progress. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, protect your loved ones.

Post script: the soup is very tasty, and only used a few veggies, not the bazillion I used in my last soup.