Day 103

I am sure that I have told you, multiple times, how much I absolutely love living this new life, here, in the heart of México. I have waited my whole life to live here, and, here we are.

We had a meeting, the other night, to discuss certain things, happening, here, in the condominium; things that needed to be discussed between all of the owners of their condos. Did that happen? Of course not. There were four of us condo owners there, two administrators, one Security guard, Ismael, and one, from Maintenance, Jesús.

What was discussed is still up for interpretation, as I do not, at present, speak, or understand Spanish fluently,. What I did get from this meeting was thus:

1: Dogs will not longer be allowed in the condominio, once Dr. Iram is spoken to. (He has rented his condo, next to ours, to a young couple that have TWO dogs!!! WTH??? He read the letter, stating the specification of condo living to all of us at the November meeting!!!

2: Owners, without a key to the front door, or a garage door opener, will not be allowed into the condo, without first speaking to one of the administrators.

Sorry. I have to go to bed now. I just ate the filling Dr. Priscila helped me with today. How stupid can a person be?

I will reconvene later this week to update you on every little thing that has transpired. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Cover your mouth, wash your hands, stay vigilant. Protect those you love.