Day 100

I should be excited about this being the one hundredth day of quarantine, because of the CoVid19 virus, but I am not. Is anyone?

Today, you may be happy to know, we had three bottles of some awesome homemade kombucha, pineapple flavored. I have found that, for a second fermentation, which actually gives the kombucha more carbonation, and flavor, pineapple, fresh, or frozen, gives the drink the most amount of flavor thus far.

I have not had the opportunity, down here, anyway, to do much experimentation with second fermentation flavors. I added some guayaba to the pineapple, and that fermented well. Before that, I found some ginger, in the grocery store, and added a bit of that, and that did as well. As the fermentation times are so completely different than that of up North, (it took a week to ten days for first ferment, then another four to seven days for the second ferment), this is all sort of a win, lose, or draw investment right now. I think, once the world is done with this blasted virus, things will be considerably different than they are at present.

That said, this last batch of “booch” is great. It has the right amount of sweet, tart, and carbonation. I am hoping the next batches are equally good. The first fermentation only took three days, in the two gallon jug, and two more days after being decanted into sixteen ounce flip top bottles. Once I saw the carbonation already present, after such a short period, I got them into the fridge, so they did not bust open the bottles.

I have since made two, two gallon jars of the “mother”, and am waiting to finish the bottles of kombucha already made. Now that we know how good it is, it will not take us more than a few days to finish the lot.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: Have I mentioned “The Alienist”? An absolute must watch! Netflix. You will thank me later. Well, Lynn, you will not- definitely. Everyone else, watch it.