Day 10

I have just about reached my limit. We went to Sam’s Club, Costco, and Soriana today to restock the necessaries, fresh produce, meat, water, Kleenex.

It is so hot today that I begged the family to go with cold sandwiches, potato chips, and cottage cheese for dinner. I told them that I just did not feel like standing in the hot kitchen tonight. They were, thankfully, quite willing to acquiesce. When they think it is hot, well, you know that I am beyond hot.

I sent these two photos (above) of thousands of rolls of toilet paper at Sam’s Club, and Costco, respectively, on Messenger, and got a few responses. I, then, responded that there are no empty shelves here, but there are many stores that are closed, whether permanently, or temporarily because of the crisis, it is hard to know.

The small stores are all owner operated, and have no resources on which to fall back, so many will, more than likely, go out of business. I was telling Ivan how fortunate we were in the timing of my retirement. We bought the condo, and two cars with cash, and have a nice nest egg in the bank, down here. Blessed.

Stay happy and healthy. I believe we will be going back home, to the condo, this weekend. Waiting to see when P&P are going to return.

Post script: cold dinner was well received, thankfully. It has cooled down a bit, and it will be cooler in the condo, as the sun does not shine directly into it. There are three floors above us to blot out most of the direct sunshine, and, therefore, the heat.