Day 270

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve, with the family of our friends Jesús, Lizbeht, their son Gaby, and Liz’s mother, Alicia. In fact, Ivan just told me “this is what Christmas feels like. This is where they needed to be”. I agree wholeheartedly!

They are going to stay here until we go back to Los Altos, on the thirtieth. We will be staying in a hotel in a city close to LA, called Perote.

We, more Ivan than me, have been “cleaning” for the past two days. OMG! I am almost paralyzed! The condo requires vacuuming every other day, as well as mopping the white tile floor. Have I done this, every other day? Peshaw! Anyone that knows me knows how much I enjoy (not) cleaning.

THIS PLACE IS IMMACULATE! This is our Christmas gift for them, the four of them. Take a look:

A few days ago, this room was filled with all kinds of stuff. Now, it is being used as it should be used- a spare bedroom. They are so happy to be sleeping in a space that has wiggle room; all except Gaby. Gaby is used to a smaller space, and is unfamiliar, here, with this amount of space. He has plenty of room to roam when they are in Los Altos, but not here.

Fast forward: today is New Years Eve, and, once again, we are in Los Altos, celebrating the end of a very difficult year, ushering in, what we all hope becomes a year better than the former.

Happy birthday to my BIL Larry. And a Happy New Year to all of you. While we wait to bring in the year with celebration, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

This old man is going to be burned in effigy later as it represents the last of 2020. The shirt is filled with small fire crackers. It should make quite the noise and flash. Happy New Year everyone.