Day 118

Cottage cheese. Do you think much about it? Do you think much of the percentage of fat? Or, how many calories per spoonful?

For the past two day, I thought Ivan was telling me that the cottage cheese we bought at Superama, a pint, maybe, was not to his liking. (We have been buying huge containers at Costco that were one percent fat, small curd, while, this one, from Superama, was, as we just found out tonight, a four percent large curd cheese).

I cannot tell you the last time we ate anything but what I have already described. I must tell you that the taste, and the mouth feel alone, were amazing. Incredible, actually.

I thought he wanted me to not buy the large container of CC from Costco, and buy the small one from Superama. Duh! That is exactly what he was trying to tell me.

Message received.

I stole a spoonful of the large curd, (which I originally thought was spoiled), and could not believe my tongue. It was splendid.

Will we buy it agin? Absolutely!!! Until then, however, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.