Damn, Skippy!!

We just had an earthquake.

For real.

About 10 minutes after the city wide “alert” testing. The city initiated a system of alert a few months ago, and were testing it for a few seconds, making sure it worked.

It works.

A few minutes ago, I was in the kitchen, had just opened the fridge to make something to eat, when I heard the chimes going off, saw them swaying, about 5ft. in front of me. I also saw the rug, draped over the clothes line, moving back, and forth, aggressively.

Then I felt the swaying of the building. The movement always makes me nauseous.

I hollered at Ivan that this was a real earthquake, and we needed to get downstairs. Get outside.

We all gathered outside, even baby Brandon.

My stomach growled.

We’re back inside, eating our lunch, no worse for the wearing.

On my seismic app, the quakes, 3 registering 7.5, 7.5, and 7.6, within minutes of each other, happened in the western state of Colima. T

he western side of the country is getting hammered by quakes. Further south, in the state of Guerrero, in which contains the city of Acapulco, has had multiple quakes over the past few weeks.

Damn Skippy.

Stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

2 thoughts on “Damn, Skippy!!”

    1. Thanks. We’re all good. Just such a weird experience. You’re standing still, holding on to anything, while watching the entire building moving back, and forth. It’s been awhile since the last one. 😅

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