Damn delivery people

We are both so tired of some of the delivery people down here.

As you know, we order lots of things from Amazon, and most get delivered without incident. Now, for some reason, we have had 2 of our packages being stated they were delivered, but neither of them actually had been delivered.

What is up with that?

We need to replace our 25 year old garage door openers, but, no, the delivery person seems to need them more than we do. And, the pretty Mexican sarape placemats I want to use to add color to the table? Nope, he needs them as well.

Trying to contact anyone human at Amazon is next to impossible. Then, you have to wait 24 hours to begin any form of recompense online, “in case someone in the house has accepted the package and put it somewhere”.

Ivan tried 3 different times to contact humans at Amazon, but got only recorded messages.


So frustrating.

I’ll let you know what happens, if anything happens. Just makes me so angry.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.