
While over at our cousin’s house the other day, I asked if I could take a few cuttings from one of the plants in their garden.

Hah! It is a schefflera!! This one is all green, though, the one I drowned was variegated. I have put them, there are three, (making their chances of survival that much greater), in a couple of inches of water. Hopefully, they will take root, and let me make up for killing their cousin. We shall see.

I, also, cut the top of the rubber tree off, and am going to try to root it in water. If that does not work, I will buy another one, larger, and, take better care of it. As gentle as I was with the repotting, it was too traumatized to survive.

I will be right back; I have forgotten to feed my starter.

There. Job well done. Where was I? Oh, right; the true confessions of a serial plant killer. How could I forget?

What is left of the original rubber tree.
Trying to root it in some water. It works or it does not.
I have cut half a dozen more of these, to root, and, then plant.

The photo, just above, shows that, after about two weeks, it has successfully, established roots on the cut end of a Sansevieria trifasciata, or, more commonly known as, a mother in laws tongue. They grow prolifically, here; outside, they can even grow into a low growing fence. I, however, am only looking for symmetry.

The plant we have is/was quite tall, about four and a half feet tall. I have since cut off most of the “tongues”, and am rooting them, like the one in the photo. When they have all gotten roots, I will plant them, in plastic containers, and place them in the outer sections of the window box; several on each side. I think it will be fairly dramatic. I will show you when we get there.

As we wait, patiently, of course, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.