Crappy internet

Ivan had been having to disconnect, then reconnect, the electrical plug to our 4+ year old modem every hour for the past 2, or 3 weeks.

The other day he decided he’d had enough. He finally called our internet provider, called IZZI down here, and had them check on our connection.

Of course, they said everything looked fine, but to call back when it was acting up.

So, he did. Six times. No problems from our end, they said. He asked if they would please send someone over to exchange the modem as there had to be a more modern one in existence by now.

After the 6th call, they sent a very nice gentleman to check everything at our end. He noticed the prior service man, who had come out 1 1/2 years ago, had connected a cable incorrectly, so he fixed that, then exchanged our modem for a sleek new one. We’ve been up, and running ever since.

I can’t tell you how annoying it was to be in the middle of doing something on line, just to have the connection dropped every 65 minutes of every day. Ugh!

No longer. We’re sailing smoothly, for now.

Until next time, stay happy, healthy, and safe. Wash, cover, and protect yourselves.

Post script: the internet couldn’t be faster done here if it tried. I can upload photos to the blog in less than 10-12 seconds. And, they aren’t trying to reload, and reload, and reload, ending up with 4, or 5 of the same photo.
