Could not sleep

What is a person supposed to do when sleep will not come?

Hang fresh herbs. That is what I did the other morning; early morning, around one thirty. Neither of us could sleep, so I decided to dry the fresh rosemary, and some cilantro we just bought at the store. Here is what it looked like when I finished. I just wonder how many will still be hanging up later this morning. (Follow up: all of them). 😉

It kind of takes the “edge” off all of the knives. Right? Makes them look a bit less lethal, I think.

We had stopped at Soriana, after our monthly visit to Costco the other day, and, there, on the fresh herb shelf was all of that amazing rosemary. Further down the shelf, the cilantro. Both looked so fresh, and smelled Heavenly, so I had to have some. Bought some basil, too, but it spoiled practically before we got it home.

On the same shelf, as the basil, cilantro, and rosemary, are about a dozen and a half of other types of herb bunches; camomile, parsley, thyme, no sage, alas. There are too many to name, mostly, because I cannot remember them all. And some are unfamiliar to me at present. I hope that will not be so much longer, going forward.

Anyway, the kitchen smells amazing, and now, looks a bit more homey. Drying herbs like this has been done for hundreds of years, and, I have read, concentrates the oils in the leaves. Cannot wait to need some of either. I had to hang them in the kitchen because the pantry area gets too humid from the dryer, and too dirty, and dusty from the open window. Yuck.

Going to try going back to bed. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

I think I will make a loaf of focaccia bread, and top it with some of the rosemary, and sliced, purple onions. Yum. Watch for photos.